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Visuals in your writing: A short guide

A short guide to visuals in your writing


Tables and figures Visuals are normally divided into two categories for use in your writing. Tables in this context are text or data created by a software package such as Microsoft Word™ or Excel™. Figures are everything else, for instance pictures, drawings, scanned material, photographs, charts, graphs, and so on. In some schools, the guideline might be that all visual materials should be gathered together and simply known as ‘Figures’. Labelling your tables and figures Unless you are told to the contrary, tables should be labelled sequentially as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 etc. Everything else is labelled sequentially as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc.

The caption is normally placed under the figure or table. However individual practice in some schools may vary

A table of figures with the following caption placed underneath: Figure 1. The first stage of audit (Source: Personal collection)

Graphic representation with caption underneath: Figure 2. UK road fatalities (Source: personal collection)

image and text "62% of participants in the survey did not know where to find their stopcock.  with caption underneath: Figure 3. Stopcock (Joydeep  CCBY30

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