Basic Search
You need to write a paper on dyslexia.
- Type dyslexia into the Basic Search box or use the widget on the left.
Note: The widget will only work if you are already authenticated to your organization’s MLA account. If it does not work, please login through your organization’s library to access MLA directly. If you have questions about accessing your ProQuest databases, please contact your local librarian.
- As we want the records to be peer-reviewed, from the Narrow results by and the Peer reviewed limit, select Peer reviewed.
- Also from the Narrow results by, go to the Publication date limit and drag the first gray handle over toward the right side of the bar chart to limit your search to more recent items. Drag the handle over to search on items published from 2010 – 2019 and click update.
- Go to the top of the results page to the Sort results by pull-down menu (just above the Narrow results by) and resort your items by Most recent first and click Sort.
- To begin reviewing your results, hover over the Preview link available on each record to view the major fields of the record.
- For additional record details, select the Citation/Detail link under each record to view the full record.
- Mark any records that interest you to save, print, email, cite, export, save to your My Research account, or to view selected items later.
Advanced Search
You want articles and books about ethnic sterotypes, focusing on novels and plays by famous authors.
- From the Advanced Search page, click on thesaurus and enter the term stereotypes and click on Find. Select cultural stereotypes, ethnic stereotypes, racial stereotypes, regional stereotypes and social stereotypes. Click on Add to Search
- From the Narrow results by use the Author as subject limit to focus your search on Shakespeare or use the Author's works limit to focus your search on the novel Uncle Tom's cabin.
- From the top of the results page (under the search box) click Save search/alert, then select Create alert to receive an email when new results are loaded into MLA that meet your search criteria.
- Enter your email address, choose the email format, and schedule your alert based on when you would like to receive an email of your results and how long you would like the alert to last.
- Click create alert.