This short guide will take you through the registration process and show you how to transfer your files from RefWorks.
Please use the tabs on the right-hand side of the screen:
EndNote Online (also known as EndNote Classic) is a reference management software product and has similarities to other bibliographic management software programmes such as; RefWorks, Zotero, Mendeley and other tools.
Endnote Online allows storage of references from databases and other sources, and can be used with the Cite While You Write (CWYW) tool to insert citations and create reference lists directly in Word.
It can be set up and accessed through the Web of Science database platform on FindIt@Bham.
You can continue to use the free basic version of Endnote online (not attached to the University of Birmingham Web of Science subscription) when you leave the University
If you are a research student (MRes, PhD etc.), researcher, or academic member of staff, we recommend you use another EndNote product called EndNote Desktop.
Support for researchers is provided by the Research Skills Team. For details on how to obtain the EndNote Desktop software and access training opportunities (including links to self-enrol on dedicated EndNote Desktop Canvas courses), please consult the EndNote webpage.
Any alumni can contact support directly (email to: and provide their old institutional email address. From this, Ex Libris can provide the alumni with a copy of their data appropriate for the situation.
There are other ‘free’ referencing management software available including Zotero and Mendeley. There are online guides available (links) but the Academic Skills Centre cannot actively support with these products.
Parts of this guide have been adapted with kind permission, from the Strathclyde University EndNote Online Library Guide (in turn acknowledging Newcastle University, UK).
Screenshots courtesy of the suppliers concerned: products subscribed to under license to University of Birmingham at the time of creation.