Drama Online introduces new writers alongside the most iconic names in playwriting history, providing contextual and critical background through scholarly works and practical guides.
Kanopy is a streaming video service providing educational institutions with access to a large collection of films. Features include captions, transcripts, clip creation, and playlist creation.
Web-based music listening service, streaming recordings from the Naxos and affiliated record labels. Concurrent access to this resource is limited, please ensure that you log out after use.
Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries produced in partnership with Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, is a virtual encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions. The collection provides educators, students, and interested listeners with an unprecedented variety of online resources that support the creation, continuity, and preservation of diverse musical forms.
Free sources
The following are freely available websites
Operavision offers selected live streams and on demand subtitled performances from participating European opera houses.