Risk of bias can be avoided or minimised by following a thorough reporting procedure, and then applying a careful critical appraisal of the selected material.
Reporting procedures for the identification and selection of material include Prisma. Prisma is used for Systematic Reviews.
Employing Critical Appraisal methods should ensure an effective quality assessment of material analysed for the review, and thereby also minimise the risk of bias.
The next tabs in this section cover Reporting and Critical appraisal with further links to available resources.
Movements such as Citation Justice seek to redress imbalances or bias in citation coverage. See Surmain, Chapain and Lateano (2023) for a helpful summary.
See the Academic Skills Centre (University of Birmingham) guide to Systematic reviews for more information and suggested reading.
Academic Skills Centre, Libraries and Learning Resources, University of Birmingham (2023) Systematic reviews. Available at: https://libguides.bham.ac.uk/asc/systematicreviews (Accessed 20 December 2023)
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (2024) CASP Checklists. Available at: https://casp-uk.net/casp-tools-checklists/ (Accessed 7 February 2024)
Prisma (2024) Flow diagram. Available at: http://prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/FlowDiagram (Accessed 7 February 2024)
Surman, E., Chapain, C. and Lateano, A. (2023) Citation Justice – what it is and how you can practice it. Available at: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/news/2023/citation-justice-what-it-is-and-how-you-can-practice-it (Accessed 20 December 2023)
There are reporting guidelines for different types of research.
Critical appraisal also seeks to reduce the risk of bias by applying a set of checklist criteria against examples of each study type.
Some specific, well-known quality assessment resources are: