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Lifelong Libraries - professions and organisations

Royal Society

The Royal Society covers a number of scientific subjects and has extensive historical collections in its library.  

See the Collections / visitors page for details on visiting the Library.  The Journals page also has information about Royal Society journal publications and access. 

News: For a useful update on news items from the scientific world, see the SciCentral website.

Mining machinery

Pixabay CC0.  Bucket wheel excavators, hansbenn.

Maths and Computing

London Mathematical Society

  • National organisation with library collections, merged into UCL Library. LMS members have access.


Institute of Civil Engineers

  • Wide range of electronic and other resources.  Postal service available

Institute of Engineering and Technology

  • IET Digital Library: check for access details.  Covers a range of Engineering and Technical disciplines

National Materials and Mining Archive (from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining)

  • Archival services - include reference access for non-members.

Physics and Chemistry

Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Availability of library resources on web pages

Institute of Physics

  • National body: publications listed, but no library
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