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Democracy in the United Kingdom - A Primer

Information and resources on the UK electoral system

Breaking news

Brexit updates 'Brexit - behind closed doors' -  From the BBC's Storyville series. Top tips for reading

European Union's official Newsroom 

Brexit highlights


Brexit news

EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill 2020

What's changed?


Two-part documentary going behind the scenes of the Brexit negotiations. 

"For two years, Belgian film-maker, Lode Desmet, has had exclusive access to the Brexit co-ordinator of the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt, and his close-knit team."  (BBC iPlayer, 2019)

You may need to login to the online resource Box of Broadcasts to view these programmes. 

Part one.

Part two. 

This is also available in German from Arte, on BoB: as "Hinter den Kulissen des Brexit, 21:20 21/05/2019, Arte, 120 mins".

You can find more programmes on our selected Brexit playlist on Box of Broadcasts (BoB) 

Understanding Brexit - a module resource list.

Selected by Charlotte Galpin at the University of Birmingham

A short history of Brexit by Kevin O'Rourke - for a one-volume survey. 

For more suggestions, look further down this page.

In Parliament

Wednesday 22nd May 2019 09:30-11:00

Westminster Hall debate entitled, 'Negotiations on the UK Leaving the  EU during the EU Extension Period'. A House of Commons Library Briefing Paper for the debate will appear here

Wednesday 22nd May 2019 10:00-

 House of Commons Select Committee on International Trade will  be talking to experts on EU Trade Policy

Countering Fake News?

Europe Direct Information Centre  Aberdeen (2016) Euro myths and the news.

The organisations here are essentially pro-European and seek to counter widespread misinformation about the EU. 

  • Corbett (2019) 'Rebutting rubbish', in Doorstep EU.  From the Labour MEP and campaigner Richard Corbett.
  • In facts (2019) seeking an evidence-based approach.  Includes pages on Mythbusting
  • New European (2019) Brexology UK: the study of political and economic self-harm. Draws on a wide range of sources, including academic expertise, to assess and analyse the spectrum of political issues in the wake of the EU Referendum and Brexit process.
  • Checking for Bots and Trolls ...

Brit or bot? (2019)  is a very handy website for checking credentials of twitter accounts.  See their Bots and trolls page for advice.

UK Parliamentary and Government Information

Official UK Government links and information:

  • Research and analysis on the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union from the UK Parliamentary libraries can be found here 
  • Analysis and Reports from the Office for Budget Responsibility are here
  • Department for Exiting the EU(2019) (official government department website).
  • Her Majesty's Treasury (2016) HM Treasury analysis: the long-term economic impact of EU membership and the alternatives.
    • Summary and link to archived PDF of information published April 2016 before the EU referendum
  • bisWorld (2019) Brexit Impact Statements by industry sector (such as "Agriculture, forestry and fishing").  Hosted by the Ibis World platform.  
  • UK Government (2019) Brexit.  "Information about EU Exit including the article 50 process, negotiations, and announcements about policy changes as a result of EU Exit"
  • UK Government (2019) Detailed Brexit Guidance - wide range of official guidance pieces, including business, environment, travel, transport and other topics.
  • UK Government (2019) Prepare for EU exit .  Official information for individuals, businesses and organizations, as well as material on citizenship for EU27 nationals in the UK and UK nationals in EU27 countries. 


Alerts and Podcasts:

  • The House of Commons Library offers an email update service, as well as podcasts, on request via their web pages.  This includes Brexit topics. 
  • Podcast from Birmingham University's "Friday afternoon at the Bratby" series: episode 5 on Brexit.  About 30 mins.


How to spot fake news: Consider the source - check away from the story to investigate the site, its mission and its contact info; Check the author -do a quick search on the author, are they credible?  are they real?; Check the details - reporting old news stories doesn't mean they're relevant to current events; Check your bias - consider if your own beliefs can affect your judgement; Read beyond - headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks - what's the whole story? ; Supporting sources,  click on the those links, determine if the information given actually support to the story; Is it a joke? - if it is too outlandish it might be satire,  research the site and the author to be sure ; Ask the experts - ask a librarian or use a fact-checking site.

WTO Rules

What do they mean?  The World Trade Organization is often referred to, but not always explained.  The following links, including from the WTO itself, should provide help. 

  • Rogers (2019) 9 Lessons in Brexit  offers a useful introduction and sober assessment of the WTO and the fall-back for trade on leaving the EU without a deal.  By leading civil servant Ivan Rogers
  • World Trade Organization (2019) - Rules of origin .  The only "WTO rules" directly referred to on the WTO's own website

General reading - the EU Referendum 2016

The list below provides background and details of events leading up to, and following the UK's EU referendum in 2016.  The experiences of individuals from other countries affected, often negatively, is outlined in the In Limbo titles.   A Resource List from the University of Birrmingham offers a range of selected items for information and insight. 

Human Rights and Citizenship

5th EHRMCC Final Round:  5th European Human Rights Moot Court Competition Final Round took place in Strasbourg, France during 12-16 February 2017.  Photo credits: Ivan Chopyk.  CC By SA 2.0

Human Rights legislation and principles have been an integral part of the history and development of what is now the European Union.  This includes matters of citizenship and residency, as noted by the advocacy of The3Million.  Right Info is an independent body, and the UK Government's own pages on citizens' rights are included here.

  • Rights Info (2019) Brexit and Human Rights. Includes sections on data protection, employment, free movement, health, human rights laws, security, the environment.
  • The3million (2019) The3million.  detailed information from this support group for EU27 citizens in the UK.  Includes material on Settled Status, the Hostile Environment, differentiating between legal support and legal advice and updates on current developments.
  • UK Government (2019) EU, EEA and Commonwealth Citizens. UK Government information on settled status and other residence and rights information: for EU27, EEA and Commonwealth citizens

Z-A: Campaigns continue?

Continuing campaining groups, one for leaving the EU and one in favour of a confirmatory vote on any deal and alternative options. 

People's Vote - for a vote on the final deal (or no deal)

Leave means Leave - vice-chaired by Richard Tice and Nigel Farage

European Movement -  a long-standing, "independent, cross-party organisation committed to keeping the UK in the EU"

Brexit Central - pro-Brexit website

Best for Britain - campaigning to "keep the UK open to EU membership" ("About us" page)

The cost of Brexit

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