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Finding information for Pharmacy

MPharm 1

FindIt@Bham - library catalogue and more

FindIt@Bham is the start page for finding library resources: books, journals, journal articles, databases such as Medline and platforms such as Medicines Complete. British Pharmacopoiea is also accessible online via FindIt@Bham.  For any electronic material, look for the View Online link in the FindIt@Bham record and open with the link by "Resource available at".

Sign in at the top right (UoB login) of FindIt@Bham of for full access to electronic resources.

The following screenshot shows a search using the Advanced search screen, and Article search, on FindIt@Bham.



academic or university or student

Screenshot of advanced search example on FindIt.@Bham


Article Search

Go to FindIt@Bham and select Article Search in the drop-down menu by the search bar.

You can also select the Advanced Search option to show more than one search bar.  Combining these with AND gives a more precise search.

Think of a topic or try:

  • Repeat prescription
  • AND Pharmacist

Then try: changing "Any field" to "Title" and see the effect on the results.  

Look at: the filters on the right of the screen. Select one, eg "Peer reviewed journals".

Medicines Complete (BNF)

Go to the record for Medicines Complete on FindIt@Bham. 

Sign in with your Uni login if prompted.

  • In Medicines Complete, search for Ibuprofen
  • See the options on the left, and choose BNF
  • There should be a list of entries, with Ibuprofen Drug at the top.  Select this top entry for details on Indications and dose
  • Find Unlicensed use for two age-groups or categories where Ibuprofen is not licensed

British Pharmacopoiea is also available on FindIt@Bham, but not on the Medicines Complete platform. 

  • Using the entry on FindIt@Bham marked as Database, open up BP on-screen
  • When in BP, use "Browse publication" in the then "search within this version"
  • Try: "calamine lotion"

Elsevier ClinicalKey

Go to Clinical Key Student (Elsevier) on FindIt@Bham and open this up on-screen.

  • Follow instructions to sign up for an individual account - free as a University member - to enable full access on- or off-campus
  • Try looking up a specific book such as 'Rang and Dale's Pharmacology' or 'Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine', which are on the Clinical Key platform, or another text suggested by your tutors

Note: these text books, and other material, may also be linked from the Resource Lists (reading lists) set up by your tutors.  Resource lists are generally available via Canvas module pages, or traceable on the resource lists page. 

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