Watch this Panopto video from Academic Skills Centre (includes sub-titles).
NB: see also the previous sections in this guide on search strategy and search techniques, or go direct to the guide on Effective Search Techniques.
First log in to Findit@Bham.
Then locate the entry for Web of Science.
Once in Web of Science:
The following screenshots show a search for articles about "Manual therapy for ankle contusion".
This search produces a list of results. Some of your keywords may already be highlighted in the title, or the abstract (summary) underneath the title.
If you have a lot of results, as in this case, there are a range of further criteria listed in the left-hand margin by which you can further narrow down your search. The most useful of these are Date of Publication, Web of Science Categories (i.e. subject headings) and Document Types.
Under Document Types, look out for the category Review. These are review articles which summarise and review research done in a particular topic, and point to further literature about it. They can save you a lot of time in the initial stages of your research.
From the results list, click on Full Text from Publisher to see if it is possible to access the full text of the article. Otherwise, click on the FindIt@Bham button which will link to our library catalogue to see if we have it available through another provider.
To Save Results in Web of Science: