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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion


 Faith, Religion and Belief Resources


LH God Beyond Borders: Building Interfaith Bridges and Dialogue

LM Faith Community Governance, Management and Administration

Religion in contemporary society

Religion and global affairs

Religion in Contemporary Global Politics

The above is not an exhaustive list of relevant resource lists relating to Faith, Religion and Belief. You can search for more available resource lists at resourcelists@bham

 Here is a small selection of titles from the library catalogue, taken from the resource lists featured:

Key bibliographic databases

This is a selection of the databases available online. For help with searching for databases relevant to your search topic please see our guide to effective search techniques

Browzine and Journals

Use Browzine to browse and explore our wide range of journals. Watch our guide to see how it works.

Browse through the sections on philosophy and religion to find the majority of journals for this topic. 

If you wish to find a specific database, there is a general search facility within Browzine. 

Primary sources, Libraries and Archives

Birmingham Qur'an: The Birmingham Qur'an and the Mingana collection holds over 3,000 Middle Eastern manuscripts in more than 20 languages, including Arabic, Syriac, Ethiopic, Georgian, Hebrew, Samaritan and Armenian (Cadbury Research Library, UoB, accessed May 2022)

Cadbury Research Library: Home of the University of Birmingham's extensive Special Collections of rare books, manuscripts, archives, photographs and associated artefacts (Cadbury Research Library, UoB, accessed May 2022)

House of Commons Library Paper: Research paper on gender specific religious persecution

UOB Guild of students groups: This search engine will enable you to find faith groups within the student union

University Chaplaincy: Multi faith chaplaincy at St Francis' Hall on the Edgbaston Campus

UNHR Report: United Nations report on freedom of religion or belief and gender equality

Box of Broadcasts

BoB is an off-air recording and media archive service which stores recorded TV and Radio programmes in an archive      indefinitely. Explore this Faith, Religion and Belief playlist

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