The History Records collection forms part of the History Reference Collections, located in Zone 3A on the Third Floor of the Main Library.
It is a reference collection of c. 3,500 volumes comprising a wide range of both source and bibliographic material, including the Victoria County Histories, Rolls Series, Royal Historical Society Bibliography, and guides to research materials; as well as publications of the Public Record Office. PRO publications include calendars, lists, and indexes:
• Calendars are in précis form, usually in English, but are full enough for most purposes to replace the original documents.
• Lists enumerate the units composing a class of records, with dates and simple descriptions.
• Indexes contain alphabetically organised references to people, places or subjects mentioned in the records
The History Records collection also includes the journals of both Houses of Parliament, the Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Rymer's Foedera.
Note: Although it is mainly a reference collection, when there are two copies of the same work, the second copy can be borrowed. The volumes that can be borrowed are shelved with those that are reference only, but they will not have the 'Reference only' label inside, or if they do, the label will have been 'cancelled'.
British National Archives, sectional list no.24. London : HMSO, [19--] History Records DA 25.F1
Most of the items listed in this publication are contained in the History Records collection. This list, in addition to providing brief details about many of the series, has been annotated with the shelfmark of items contained in History Records.
The following books explain how to use historical records.
MacFarlane, Alan (1983) A Guide to English Historical Records. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
Mullins, E L C (1958)Texts and Calendars: An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications. London; Royal Historical Society
Mullins, E L C (1983) Texts and Calendars II: An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications 1957-1982. London; Royal Historical Society
Public Record Office (1963) Guide to the Contents of the Public Record Office. London, HMSO.
Stevenson, D & WR (1987) Scottish Texts and Calendars: An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications. London; Royal Historical Society, and Edinburgh; Scottish History Society