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Business Journal Databases

Business Source Complete is a large electronic journal service covering the topics of business and management. It provides full text for more than 2,150 journal titles. Coverage extends to all aspects of business including accounting and finance , management and marketing. Many of the titles indexed by Business Source Complete might not be found as easily by using the 'Article Search' functionality of FindIt@bham.

  • Click on the Databases link towards the top-right of FindIt@bham ( In the box that appears type in Business Source Complete and click 'Return' A link to this database will appear below . Click on the link to access the database.
  • You will be taken directly through to the 'Advanced Search' screen. At the top left hand side of the screen are search boxes for you to enter the terms or phrase for the subject you are interested in.  

  • You wish to search for articles about management so in the search box type in manage* Select AB (Abstract or Author -Supplied Abstract) from the drop-down menu. Click Search :
    • How many articles are found?
    • When was the most recent article added ?
  • You now wish to search for articles on recession, so in the search box type recess* OR auster* Select AB (Abstract or Author-Supplied Abstract) from the drop-down menu. Click search:
    • How many articles are found ?
  • You now wish to combine the two results. So select the box next to results S1: AB manage* and S2: AB recess* OR auster* and then click 'Search with AND' - note this is the same as searching for manag* AND (recess* OR auster*)
  • You can restrict the date range over which your search looks. On the left-hand side you will see the heading 'Refine Search' and a date range which goes from 1947-2018. Click on the grey rectangle above '1947' and drag it to the right until '1947' changes to '2000'. Click 'Update Results'. This will give you results which were published between 2000 and 2018.
    • How many articles are now found?
  • To recap, we have selected articles which contain in their abstract at least one of the following words: manage, management, managed, managing, manages AND MUST ALSO contain one of the following words: recession, recessive, austere and austerity. The articles must have been published between 2000 and 2018 and they must be an academic journal article. 
  • In the centre of the screen, a list of articles will be displayed which contain your search terms.
  • Results can be sorted by a number of criteria including date and relevance. By default they are sorted by relevance.
  • To preview the summary of an article hover over the icon: 

  • Click on the article: Cohen, S., Guillamón, M., Lapsley, I. and Robbins, G. (2015) Accounting for austerity: the Troika in the Eurozone. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 28(6), 966-992. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-04-2014-1668. For information: you can Print, Email, Save and Export the contents of this page by clicking on the  and  icons on the right of the page. For now though, continue onto the next bullet point.


  • To view the full-text of this article click the  button. You will then see a screen telling you that full text is available via ProQuest ABI/INFORM Collection. Click on the link and it will take you through to the full text. Once you have the full-text on the screen answer the following:
    • On what page do the cited references start?                                                      


Note: In some cases you will see a PDF or HTML link. In which case click that to access the full-text. If you cannot see such a link click on  to see if there is electronic access via any of our other eJournal subscriptions. 


ABI/INFORM Global gives access to over 2,050 full-text business and management journals and abstracts from 1,000 more. Coverage includes all aspects of business. Many of the titles indexed by ABI/INFORM Global won’t, at the current time, be found using the ‘ArticleSearch’ functionality of FindIt@Bham.

  • Click on the Databases link towards the top-right of FindIt@Bham ( In the box that appears type in ABI/INFORM Global and click ‘Return’. A link to this database will appear below. Click on the link to access the database.
  • You should see the following screen:

  • Select Advanced Search. You can enter keywords or phrases in the same way as you would in Business Source Complete. Like Business Source Complete it allows you to search for words in a specific field, again by choosing from the drop-down menu.
  • You are able to limit your results by scholarly journals and by full-text access only. It is not recommended to limit your results to full-text only as you may be able to find the full text elsewhere.
  • Type in the search box: “international trade” AND “economic growth”. Select ‘abstract’ from the drop down menu and click Search.
  • Results

ABI/INFORM Global will display a list of articles, which contain your search terms. By default the articles are displayed by relevance, but this can be changed so as the results are displayed in date order. Like Business Source Complete you can choose to view subsets of the results (scholarly journals, trade publications, newspapers and dissertations etc.).To view the subsets, click on the appropriate item from the left-hand menu. Towards the bottom of that menu you have the option to change the date range. This can be done by sliding the grey arrows beneath the graph then clicking ‘Update’ to apply the chosen date range.

  • To access the full-text click on the HTML or PDF links. If you don’t see these links click on the  link to see if we have electronic access via one of our other subscriptions. If we don’t have electronic full-text, check to see if we have print access.
  • Printing and Downloading

To print or download the abstracts and bibliographical information about articles you are interested in, click the box next to any of the articles, and then go to the My Research tab at the top of the screen. Like for Business Source Complete you can choose to Print and/or Email these bibliographic details as well Export them to reference software such as EndNote Online or EndNote web.

Further Help: A guide on ABI/INFORM Global (accessed via the Business Electronic Journals link) as well as guides on other business resources can be found at:  Business Electronic Journals .  

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