Activity Five is currently being updated.
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The Nexis Advance UK database contains the full text of newspapers from across the world as well as UK national and local newspapers (full-text as far back as the mid-1980s depending on the newspaper). The database also contains fully searchable company information and reports. Information regarding a particular country can also be found in this database. Use the Databases link (within FindIt@Bham) to locate this resource.
Activity 6b: Financial Times
The Financial Times Historical Archive provides electronic full-text access to The Financial Times from 1888 to 2010. This world renowned daily business newspaper covers global financial and economics issues as well as topic such as industry, international politics, management and personal finance. Accessible by typing ‘Financial Times Historical Archive’ into Databases (Nb: for more recent editions; i.e. issues published between 2011 and 2016 - with the exception of issues published in the last month - type Financial Times into Databases and select ‘Financial Times 1996+ (ProQuest)’).