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A guide to support the use of the University of Birmingham library catalogue FindIt@Bham.

Finding databases

Libraries and Learning Resources subscribe to a vast array of electronic resources of relevance to all subjects. These include, but are not limited to:

  • bibliographic databases;
  • historical sources; 
  • original texts; 
  • newspapers; 
  • statistics;
  • multi-media resources.

The 'Using FindIt@Bham to search for databases' video tutorial outlines how to search for databases relevant to you:

If you know the name of the database you wish to access, enter the name of it into the search bar and select the Databases button underneath the search bar. For example, to search for the database Medline:

Alternatively, you can use FindIt@Bham to explore the databases we have available by clicking on the Database A-Z tab at the top of the screen.

FindIt@Bham's Database A-Z search bar with Database A-Z option highlighted.

To explore the databases relevant to your subject area, select a subject from the Resource Subject filter on the left-hand side.

Browse by subject and type filtering options with Resource Subject hihglighted.

If you are looking for a specific type of resource, for example Newspapers, use the Resource Type filter on the left-hand side. 

Browse by subject and type filtering options with Resource Type highlighted.

Access to databases

Once you select a database, it will show you the catalogue record and description of it. Read this description carefully the first time you use it as it may include specific information on how to access it using a special password, or the need to register with the provider to gain access.

Further support

Libraries and Learning Resources provide training and advice in the use of databases and other resources either through training sessions embedded in University courses, or individually on request.

Consult the Academic Skills Centre for undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses, or Support for Researchers for doctoral and other researchers.

If you would like to ask library staff a quick question, please contact us.

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