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A guide to support the use of the University of Birmingham library catalogue FindIt@Bham.

Article and chapter scans

Available for University of Birmingham staff and students only.

We can provide scans of articles and chapters from journals and books held in our libraries, including items in the Research Reserve.

Scans will be sent to your University email address.

Students: please check your resource lists before submitting a scan request. Some resource lists provide scans of journal articles and book chapters. 


Scan requests must be compliant with copyright: 

  • You can request one chapter of a book, or up to two articles from a journal issue. 
  • You can request any number of articles from a themed journal.
  • The item isn't on a resource list for your course.
  • Other people on your course aren't requesting the same scan.

Research Reserve

Login to FindIt@Bham and look up an item. If it's in the Research Reserve, select Current availability to see the request options. Research Reserve items have a Request physical item and Scan request: article or chapter link.

Select Scan request: article or chapter. Enter the details of what you need. Please note that not all Research Reserve items are suitable for scanning.

Provide the relevant details and select Request.


Other items

  • You can request scans from books, journals, and scores in the Main Library, Barnes Library, OLRC, and Shakespeare Institute Library.
  • Requests are processed within two to three working days for Main Library items, and up to seven days for site library items.
  • You may only request five scans per calendar month. This limit doesn’t include scans from Research Reserve items.

How to request

Login to FindIt@Bham and look up an item. If it's on the open shelves in the Main Library (not in the Research Reserve), or it's in the Barnes Library, OLRC, or Shakespeare Institute, you will see the request option Scan request: article or chapter.

  • Select Scan request: article or chapter. This will take you to a form. Some of the fields will be filled out automatically.
  • Complete the rest of the form, including details of the specific article or chapter you need. Please include the volume and issue number if you're requesting a journal article.
  • Check all the information in the form before you submit. Any errors could slow down your request.
  • Select Submit.

If you are having trouble accessing the request form via FindIt@Bham, you can access it directly.

Accessibility statement