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Zotero for starters


The Zotero website has more details of this open-source software programme.

There are a number of LibGuides by other institutions on Zotero: an excellent example is by Jason Puckett of Georgia State University. 

Zotero is a project of the Corporation for Digital Scholarship - "a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of software and services for researchers and cultural heritage institutions." (Corporation for Digital Scholarship, 2019).

Screenshots are chiefly of Zotero programme in use: other screenshots are from databases subscribed under license to the University of Birmingham:

  • Web of Science: Clarivate Analytics
  • Ovid databases including Medline: LWW Wolters Kluwer
  • Proquest databases including Nursing and Allied Health: Proquest
  • EBSCO databases including CINAHL, Business Source Premier and others: EBSCO Publishing
  • JStor: from ITHAKA not-for-profit group 



Corporation for Digital Scholarship (2019) Digital Scholar.  Available at: (Accessed 7 April 2020).

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