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CINAHL and EndNote Online: Tutorial


CINAHL is a key database for nursing and allied health.  Use CINAHL to locate and retrieve academic, peer-reviewed journal articles for your assignment or research.

  • Like Medline and other Ovid databases, CINAHL uses medical subject headings
  • However the screen layout is different as this is on the EBSCO platform
  • Note that the procedures below will be relevant to other databases on the EBSCO platform, such as AMED (Alternative Medicine), EconLit (useful for Health Economics), Sport Discus (Physiotherapy, Sport and Exercise Science).  

Use the search screen and suggested subject headings (Medical Headings) to build up a search line-by-line.  As well as these headings, you can also use freetext keywords which occur in the article or article description, or specify particular fields to search against: for instance, you can search for keywords just within article Titles.

Then connect the search lines using Boolean logic:

  • AND to focus the search to items about all the lines selected, not just one or other term on its own
  • OR to bring alternatives together in a broader set

For more on Boolean logic and other literature searching techniques, see:

Panopto video from Academic Skills Centre, University of Birmingham: includes subtitles.  Uses a combination of subject heading and general keyword search techniques.

Panopto video from Academic Skills Centre, University of Birmingham: includes subtitles. Title field keyword searches (not subject headings).

Panopto video from Academic Skills Centre, University of Birmingham: includes subtitles. Title field keyword searches (not subject headings).

Sample search on CINAHL

"Community mental health nursing and postnatal depression"

  1. Locate and open CINAHL Plus via FindIt@Bham 
  2. On the main search page in CINAHL, k​eep box ticked for "Suggest Subject Headings"
  3. Enter your f​​​​irst term: Postnatal depression in the search bar and select Search on the right 
  4. On the following screen the subject heading is indicated "Depression, post-partum"

  5. Keep the tick in the "Subheadings" box (this allows for more results) and select Search Database

  6. Now enter the next term:  "Community mental health nursing": find and choose the matching subject heading

  7. On the main screen, connect the above two headings by using the "Search with AND" grey button: these should be clearly on the screen as S2, S1 to indicate each search line

  8. At each stage, the results are further down the screen

  9. To view the articles, use the "FindIt@Bham" link which leads to the full text (where available)

  10. You can introduce further terms as appropriate: alternative terms to connect with OR; different headings with AND

    • For example, find "Systematic Review" and use AND with the above to identify any systematic reviews about postpartum depression and community health nursing

Subject Headings: Explode

When you find a subject heading, there may be a tick-box available in the column headed Explode, to the right on the screen.  If you tick this box, it will include narrower or more precise subject headings - for examples, selecting Diabetes and the Explode box will include articles with the headings Diabetes Type I, Diabetes Type II. 

Keyword searching (not using subject headings)

You can also look for keywords across records or in individual fields. 

  • To do so, first untick the 'Suggest Subject Headings' box at the top
  • Then enter your keyword or keywords in the search bar.  It is recommended to do so one line at a time and to connect these lines after with the 'Search with AND' option
  • If you wish to perform a very focussed search, select Title from the drop-down menu for the search bar

Search example

  • Enter 'post-natal or postpartum' and search
  • Then enter 'depression' and search
  • Select the two lines in the search history and 'Search with AND'
  • Look at the filters on the left of the screen to limit by publication date range and other options
  • Add in further lines of search such as 'community health' and combine with the existing lines if needed

You may need to think of alternative keywords to add into each line for full coverage.  Also, use features such as the asterisk Truncation symbol to allow for variants on root words.  For example:

  • treat* or therap* or intervention

Keyword search lines can also combined with subject heading search lines.  Remember to keep each line separate and connect afterwards. 

A Subject heading line could also be combined with a separate keyword line on the same feature, using 'Search with OR' and then combined with other lines using 'Search with AND'.

See our Effective Search Techniques guide for more on AND, OR, truncation, keywords and other features.


The following screenshots illustrate the above search example.

Subject heading search

  • 'Suggest Subject Terms' box ticked

CINAHL search screen with postnatal depression in search box

Subject headings screen

Keyword search (not subject heading) using Title field.

  • 'Suggest Subject Terms' box unticked
  • TI Title chosen as field to right of search bar

Title word search in CINAHL

Keyword search lines combining with AND

Panopto video from Academic Skills Centre, University of Birmingham: includes subtitles. 

Saving to referencing software: EndNote Online

A: Direct export

There is a 'Direct Export to EndNote Web' option for EBSCO databases such as CINAHL.

  1. Tick the blue folder icon by each article or item you wish to save: the folder then will become yellow
    • Or: select all results on that page by using the Share button at the top: then click on Results (1-10)
    • Use Page Options to increase the number of results which display on one screen page
  2. Now use the Folder View option on the right to go to the folder screen with the marked references
  3. In the Folder View screen, select the records and use Export and select 'Direct Export to EndNote Web' from the drop-down options
  4. This should take you through to EndNote Online 
    • Sign in to EndNote Online with your login details if required
  5. Go to [Unfiled] to locate the results and add these to a new or existing Group

Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles).  This uses an example in the database Business Source Premier, but the steps are the same for CINAHL. Both are databases on the EBSCO platform.

B: Export as RIS file ('indirect' export)

Alternatively, an RIS file can be downloaded from the database and then uploaded into EndNote Online or to other referencing software programmes such as EndNote Desktop or Mendeley.

  1. Select the items required (tick individual folder icons or use 'Share'), then go to Folder View
  2. In Folder View, choose 'Direct Export in RIS format' and save the file (eg to Desktop)
  3. In Endnote online, go to Collect - Import references
  4. Locate the RIS file, choose RefMan RIS as the Import Option, and upload the file

Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles) or follow the instructions further below.


The following screenshots illustrate the export process.  

Share options in CINAHL

Results selected for export

A: Direct Export

ADirect Export to EndNote Web (ie EndNote Online)

B: Export as RIS file ('indirect' export)

RIS file option

Import option RefMan RIS in EndNote Online

If items are in the [Unfiled] area in EndNote Online, select these and use Add to group for an existing or named group (folder).

Adding to groups in EndNote Online


Save Search History

  1. Select Save searches / alerts above the search lines
  2. Then set up an individual account (free!) to name and save the search history
  3. The search history can be accessed and re-run later

Save search history or alerts in CINAHL / EBSCO databases


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