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CINAHL and EndNote Online: Tutorial

Part 4B: EndNote Online - Adding Results

CINAHL: export to EndNote Online, option 1

Direct export

There is a 'Direct Export to Endnote Web' option for EBSCO databases such as CINAHL (Nursing / Allied Health).

  1. Tick the blue folder icon by each article or item you wish to save: the folder then will become yellow
    • Or: select all results on that page by using the Share button at the top: then click on Results (1-10)
    • Use Page Options to increase the number of results which display on one screen page
  2. Now use the Folder View option on the right to go to the folder screen with the marked references
  3. In the Folder View screen, select the records and use Export and select 'Direct Export to EndNote Web' from the drop-down options
  4. This should take you through to EndNote Online 
    • Sign in to EndNote Online with your login details if required
  5. Go to [Unfiled] to locate the results and add these to a new or existing Group

Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles).  This uses an example in the database Business Source Premier, but the steps are the same for CINAHL. Both are databases on the EBSCO platform.

CINAHL: export to Endnote Online, option 2

Indirect export

If the 'Direct Export to EndNote Web' option is not working from CINAHL and other databases on the EBSCO platform (such as AMED and Business Source Premier), the following method can be used.

  • Instead, use 'Direct Export in RIS format' which generates a file: save this to (eg) Desktop.
  • Then go to Collect - Import references in EndNote online
  • Locate the RIS file and use RefMan RIS as the import filter option and upload the file

Note that the same essential method can be used with most other databases: download ('export') an RIS file of selected results, then upload this file into EndNote Online using the Import option 'RefMan RIS'.

Now watch this Panopto video from the Academic Skills Centre, which includes sub-titles, or follow the instructions further down this page.

Carry out your search on CINAHL (or another EBSCO database such as AMED), then follow the steps below.

  1. Tick the blue folder icon by each article or item you wish to save: the folder then will become yellow
    • Or: select all results on that page by using the Share button at the top: then click on Results (1-10)
    • Use Page Options to increase the number of results which display on one screen page (up to 50)
  2. Now use the Folder View option on the right to go to the folder screen with the marked references
  3. In the Folder View screen, select the records and use Export and select 'Direct Export in RIS format' from the drop-down options
  4. Use the Save button on the left: this should generate an RIS file to download to Desktop (or other location)
  5. In EndNote Online, go to Collect and Import References
  6. Locate and choose the file
  7. For Import Option, open the full list and choose RefMan RIS and copy to favourites (unless you have done so already)
  8. Choose the group to send the file to, or leave as Unfiled and add to the preferred Group in your EndNote library

The following screenshots illustrate the export process as detailed above for option 21 (indirect export using RIS file).

Panopto video from Academic Skills Centre, University of Birmingham (includes subtitles).

Manual addition of references

Individual reference details can be entered manually.

Using the Collect tab you can manually enter reference details by clicking on New Reference.

Try adding this Journal Article reference (note, each author’s name must be added on a new line):

Spring, H and Adams, R. (2013) 'Learning and Teaching in Action'. Health Information and Libraries Journal 30 (4), pp.337-342.


Bookmarklet tool

The EndNote Bookmarklet Tool (Capture Reference) scans the bibliographic information presented on a webpage and creates a reference which you can save in either EndNote online or EndNote desktop.

  • This is a particularly useful tool for those journal sites or webpages which do not offer a direct export option on screen
  • The Capture Reference bookmarklet can be found on EndNote online under Downloads
  • The reference produced may be very basic and require more details to be entered manually

Simply drag the bookmarklet to your toolbar and then use it subsequently when on a web page or other source you wish to save.  

  • This will initially produce a login screen: enter your Web of Science / Endnote Online login details

  • Then a template pop-up will show on-screen: fill in the required details before saving the record to your Endnote Online account

Note: Multiple authors will be listed on one line - after you've imported your captured reference(s) you'll need to edit the author field and ensure each name is on a separate line and displays correctly (either first name last name OR last name, first name). Also, ensure the Reference Type has been picked up correctly - you can change this before you import or afterwards.


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