MeSH ?
Once you have searched for all of your concepts, you will need to combine them as before, using OR, then AND as appropriate.
Watch this Panopto video on freetext searching on Medline. Includes sub-titles.
If there is no relevant subject heading for your concept, you can use free text/keyword searching – to do this, untick the Map Term to Subject Heading box, and type your keyword(s) into the search box.
Panopto videos from Academic Skills, University of Birmingham, on Saving the search history in Medline, and exporting results (including to EndNote Online). Include sub-titles.
To save individual results, or sets of results, tick the box for "All" above the list of results in a Medline search, or individual boxes.
To save the whole search history - that is, everything you've been doing - go for "Save all" under the summary of the searches and then create an account with Ovid. Add a search name and save the search to run again later.