This section covers export of results from Medline (or other databases on the Ovid platform, such as Embase or PsycInfo).
Choose Export.
From the drop-down menu select:
This should generate an RIS file
In a separate tab or window, open up your EndNote Online account.
Individual reference details can be entered manually.
Using the Collect tab you can manually enter reference details by clicking on New Reference.
Try adding this Journal Article reference (note, each author’s name must be added on a new line):
Spring, H and Adams, R. (2013) 'Learning and Teaching in Action'. Health Information and Libraries Journal 30 (4), pp.337-342.
For details of export from other databases or platforms to EndNote Online, see the longer EndNote Online user guide.
Databases hosted on the Web of Science and EBSCO platforms allow results to be transferred directly into EndNote Online. Other platforms require a file to be generated, then imported from within Endnote Online. File type is usually .RIS.
EBSCO databases include CINAHL (Nursing and Allied Health), AMED (Alternative or Complementary Medicine), Business Source Complete and EconLit (useful for Health Economics topics).
Web of Science has a Core Collection which includes the Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index. Medline content can also be searched by selecting Medline within Web of Science 'All Databases'. Embase and PsycInfo are however only available on the Ovid platform.
The Bookmarklet tool is aimed at storing web page and similar information.
The EndNote Bookmarklet Tool (Capture Reference) scans the bibliographic information presented on a webpage and creates a reference which you can save in either EndNote online or EndNote desktop.
Simply drag the bookmarklet to your toolbar and then use it subsequently when on a web page or other source you wish to save.
This will initially produce a login screen: enter your Web of Science / EndNote Online login details
Then a template pop-up will show on-screen: fill in the required details before saving the record to your EndNote Online account
Note: Multiple authors will be listed on one line - after you've imported your captured reference(s) you'll need to edit the author field and ensure each name is on a separate line and displays correctly (either first name last name OR last name, first name). Also, ensure the Reference Type has been picked up correctly - you can change this before you import or afterwards.
It is recommended to have one overall EndNote Library for all your references, and to use the Groups feature (like folders) to organise your references as needed.
The Groups feature allows you to create mini libraries within your master library. Records imported from databases will first go into the [Unfiled] group and you can then copy them into your other groups or create new group(s) for them. You should move them from Unfiled into other groups as soon as you can.
You can also share Groups with others, for example a supervisor, or others taking part in the same research project or small group study assignment. See the end of this page for information about sharing groups.
You can copy existing references to a group by checking the box next to a single reference or checking the 'All' or 'Page' box to add multiple references.
To add to an existing group select the group from the Add to Group drop down menu. The reference(s) will appear automatically in the group.
To add to a new group or choose 'New Group' from the drop down menu and give the group a name. The reference(s) will appear the group.
The original reference(s) remain in your All My References library.
To delete, rename and share groups of references, choose: Organize - Manage My Groups
The following screenshots illustrate the features above.
Sharing is useful for group work or if you wish a tutor to see the references you have found for an ongoing assignment.
Clarivate Analytics (EndNote suppliers) have a short page on Sharing Groups from which these instructions are taken.
File-sharing is not enabled by EndNote: this prevents breach of copyright and licensing agreements.
The following screenshot illustrates part of the sharing process.