Watch the Panopto video below from the Academic Skills Centre (includes sub-titles) on literature searching using the CINAHL database. Note that CINAHL uses Medical Subject Headings (MH) or indexing terms which will not be present in EconLit or Business Source Premier.
The following is a sample search on an EBSCO database: in this case, EconLit.
This can be performed either by entering all three lines on the main page, with the default AND automatically connecting each line.
A more systematic approach, however, is to search each line separately (one at a time) and then combine the separate lines using "Search with AND" above the search history list.
Individual results, or pages, can be selected by ticking the folder icon or using 'Share'. Then go to the 'View Folder' area, from where results can be exported to EndNote Web (Online) or other options.
Use Save searches / alerts to save search histories for future re-use. Register for a free account with EBSCO to enable this feature.