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Finding information for Health Economics



This guide offers a range of activities aimed at helping you to find literature in Health Economics, in particular journal articles. It also covers the use of EndNote Online referencing software to store and cite references. Access to the resources requires a current University of Birmingham login, using FindIt@Bham (resource discover tool). 

Health Economics and Public Health

As well as Health Economics, the guide can also be used for Public Health and other related subjects, where a number of the databases described will retrieve suitable material.

Guide Navigation

  • Use the tabs on the right-hand side to navigate to the section you wish to use
  • You may prefer to simply pick out individual pages to use according to need
  • Activities 1-6 cover literature searching and relevant databases
  • Activities 7-9 link to other guides on EndNote Online

See below for other useful guides and reading on literature searching and referencing.

Subject guides

Literature searching guides


Research Bodies

  • Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York.  "The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) specialises in evidence synthesis, assembling and evaluating data from multiple research studies to generate robust evidence to inform health policy and practice. We undertake high-quality systematic reviews and associated economic evaluations, develop underpinning methods, and promote and facilitate the use of research evidence in decision-making."
  • National Institute for Health and Care Research.  "We fund, enable and deliver world-leading health and social care research that improves people's health and wellbeing, and promotes economic growth."

Systematic or Literature Reviews

Following details link to ebook records: full access requires University of Birmingham login.

The Cochrane Foundation's Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins et al., 2022) has a chapter dedicated to Economic Evidence (Aluko et al., 2022).  This has detailed coverage of how to do a systematic review in health economics, and includes useful terms, such as economic evaluation, cost-benefit, and search strategies or 'filters' for different databases.

  • Aluko, P., Graybill, E., Craig, D., Henderson, C., Drummond, M., Wilson, E.C.F., Robalino, S. and Vale, L.; on behalf of the Campbell and Cochrane Economics Methods Group. (2022) 'Chapter 20: Economic evidence', in Higgins, J.P.T., Thomas J., Chandler, J., Cumpston, M, Li T, Page, M.J. and Welch,V.A. (eds) Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions version 6.3 (updated February 2022). Available from (Accessed 2 March 2023)

Canvas Courses (self-enrol)

From the Research Support Team, Libraries and Learning Resources, University of Birmingham (require UoB login).  These are aimed at Researchers from PhD onwards but contain useful information for others.

*EndNote Desktop is not directly supported for undergraduates (UG) or taught postgraduate students (PGT) at UoB: the EndNote 20 course above is for information and guidance for students only at that level.  Doctoral students and other academic researchers and staff using EndNote 20 (Desktop) are supported by the Research Support Team.


To the providers of bibliographic databases on subscription under licence to the University of Birmingham, for screenshots and any links to supplier resources.

  • Clarivate Analytics - for Web of Science (Core Collection) and EndNote Online
  • EBSCO - CINAHL, AMED, EconLit and other databases
  • Ex Libris - FindIt@Bham (powered by Primo search tool)
  • LWW Wolters Kluwer - Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycInfo)
  • ProQuest - ProQuest databases (eg Nursing and Allied Health, ASSIA; Health and Medical, Social Science Premium collections)

Images acknowledged in text.

Image on this page

Debangana.mukherjee, Economics. CC BY-SA 4.0. Available at: (Accessed 24 January 2023)

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