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Finding Statistics

How to use Eurostat

How to access Eurostat:


1) Go to FindIt@Bham:

2) Click the Sign in link

3) Sign in with your normal University username and password (the same one you use for my.bham

4) Into the search box type: Eurostat

5) Change the Everything drop down menu so that it now reads: --Online items

6) Click the Search button

7) Find Eurostat - the statistical office of the European Union in the results list (it will have a Database picture next to it).

8) Click the View  Online link  (if you get asked to enter your username and password sign in with your normal university username and password).


Browsing Eurostat:

In the centre of the screen the latest news releases and statistics are available. You can use the click links in the centre to quickly browse statistics relating to a particular theme.

9) To get to the full range of Eurostat data click on the Eurostat home link from the top of the screen.

10) Click on the Data option from the top of the screen and select Browse Statistics by Theme

11) Under the Economy and finance section select: National accounts (including GDP)

12) Then select the Main Tables link then: GDP and main components > Real GDP growth rate. 

13) Then click on the Pie Chart icon to see a table of the results.

14) Click the more button beneath the data title to get a description of GDP

15) Click on the Explanatory Texts (Metadata) icon (2nd icon) from the 7 icons displayed at the top right of the screen to gain a detailed explanation of all of the data shown and the terms which are used

16) Click on the Graph tab to display the results graphically (you may need to use Mozilla Firefox). Use the toolbox to the right of the graph to choose the graph type, countries displayed, years displayed etc.

17) Click on the Map tab to display the results via colour code on a map of Europe. Again use the tool box to display this data as required.

18) Find out more by clicking on the Demo icon (top right of the screen)

Eurostat databases

19) Go back so you are on the screen for point 9.12 above and this time instead of select ‘Main Tables’ select the Database link beneath it.

20) Then click on the magnifying glass icon that proceeds GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income)


21) View the table

22) Click on the Explanatory Texts (Metadata) icon (1st icon) from the 8 icons displayed at the top right of the screen to gain a detailed explanation of all of the data shown and the terms which are used.  In the M (metadata) area part 6 on ‘Institutional mandate’ will tell you if the member state is obliged to collect the data or not (but there may be access to years available where it wasn’t compulsory and so only some countries provided it.).  Countries can apply for an extension on providing the data e.g. if they will have difficulty putting the methodology into place. All of this information is available under item 6. 

23) The GEO tab allows you to choose the countries (or group of countries) required, the INDIC_NA tab allows you to choose the variable you are interested in, the TIME tab allows you to choose your time period and the UNIT tab lets you choose the units you would like the data displayed in. Click update to display your changes

24) Find out more by clicking on the Demo tab (note: demo doesn’t work in Mozilla Firefox without an additional plug-in: works fine in internet Explorer though)

The main Data > Database option is one of the best ways search for the data is via the data you require as the results will then provide you with links to other relevant data and information relating to that data e.g. the metadata, options to create your own tables etc.

Eurostat supporting researchers


Ad-hoc data extraction form can be used for free if the combination of data in Eurostat does not meet your needs and they will then send you the data that you require.  You will need to contact Eurostat for a copy of that form.


Microdata access (Data > Database > Microdata) can be applied for scientific purposes only – this means any researcher or teacher can access it – not just hard scientists.  UoB is already recognised so researchers can move straight to step two of the process.   It can take time to get access to the data as they have to go back to the national organisations to get permission so this can take quite a few months.

By creating an account you can create bookmarks and set up email alerts to know when the data has been updated.  This also allows you to have bigger data extractions.

You can download all of the data at once from the service: Data – Bulk Download and follow the instructions.

Each dataset in Eurostat has an ID code which you can use to jump from already compiled graphs into the actual data.

The release calendar gives dates of when new datasets are due to be published/updated.

You can download all of their publications for free from the Eurostat website.

The Economic Trends button from homepage gives access to lots of infographics.

RAMON is the metadata server – this is useful if you want more information on their classifications and also if you need to update the metadata codes used in consolidated tables:


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