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Finding Statistics

How to use Passport (Euromonitor International)

How to Access Passport (Euromonitor International)

1) Go to FindIt@Bham:

2) Click the Sign in link

3) Sign in with your normal University username and password (the same one you use for my.bham)

4) Into the search box type: Passport

5) Change the Everything drop down menu so that it now reads: --Online items

6) Click the Search button

7) Find Passport (Euromonitor International) in the results list (it will have a Database picture next to it).

8) Click the View  Online link  (if you get asked to enter your username and password sign in with your normal university username and password).

At this point you should be taken directly to the homepage of Passport, but if this does not happen and you are taken to a Terms and Conditions page, scroll down and click the Accept button.

Searching Passport for economic data

3.9) From the top bar select the Search tab

3.10) Select the Categories and Topics drop down menu

3.11) Click the GO button

12) In the search box type a keyword of the data type you are looking for e.g. GDP and run the search.

13) Click into the data types you would like to see results for e.g Consumer expenditure as a % of GDP and click the Next button at the very bottom of the screen.

From the tree select the countries that you wish to see data on.

14)  For example select Western Europe

15) Then tick the boxes for the countries you would data on e.g. Ireland and Spain.

16) Click the Search button

17) You will now see the results of that search criteria. Some will appear under the ‘Popular Statistics’ heading and you can click onto the links there to see statistical results.  Under the ‘Analysis’ heading the service has also tried to find commentary and reports that relate to your search criteria. 

18) Click into one of the options listed under the Popular Statistics heading to see the data.

19) Once in the date, you can use the options on the left of the screen to change the years that you can (Change Time Series)  or to see results by a certain growth rate (Covert Data>Growth).  Under the Change View column you can click on the bar chart icons to see a graphic form of the results e.g. Pie chart, bar chart etc.

You can also select the Economies link from the top of the Passport screen to get to focussed areas of the database.  Once into an Economies page you can use the ‘Rank  Countries’  category drop down to see quickly how countries compare to one another on a selected data type.  You can also use the Dashboards Visualise Data to quickly see how different parts of the world compare to one another and to spot geographic trends. 

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