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EndNote Online

EBSCO databases

EBSCO databases

A: Direct export

There is a 'Direct Export to Endnote Web' option for EBSCO databases such as  Business Source Complete, CINAHL (Nursing / Allied Health), EBSCO Education databases.

  1. Tick the blue folder icon by each article or item you wish to save: the folder then will become yellow
    • Or: select all results on that page by using the Share button at the top: then click on Results (1-10)
    • Use Page Options to increase the number of results which display on one screen page
  2. Now use the Folder View option on the right to go to the folder screen with the marked references
  3. In the Folder View screen, select the records and use Export and select 'Direct Export to EndNote Web' from the drop-down options
  4. This should take you through to EndNote Online 
    • Sign in to EndNote Online with your login details if required
  5. Go to [Unfiled] to locate the results and add these to a new or existing Group

Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles).


B: Export as RIS file ('indirect' export)

Alternatively, an RIS file can be downloaded from the database and then uploaded into EndNote Online.  In the EBSCO Folder view:

  1. Select the items required (tick individual folder icons or use 'Share'), then go to Folder View
  2. In Folder View, choose 'Direct Export in RIS format' and save the file (eg to Desktop)
  3. In Endnote online, go to Collect - Import references
  4. Locate the RIS file, choose RefMan RIS as the Import Option, and upload the file

Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles).


The following screenshots also illustrate the export process outlined above




A: Direct Export to EndNote Web (ie EndNote Online):


B: Export as RIS file for upload into EndNote Online (indirect export):

If items are in the [Unfiled] area in EndNote Online, select these and use Add to group for an existing or named group (folder).



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