EBSCO databases
A: Direct export
There is a 'Direct Export to Endnote Web' option for EBSCO databases such as Business Source Premier, CINAHL (Nursing / Allied Health), EBSCO Education databases.
- Tick the blue folder icon by each article or item you wish to save: the folder then will become yellow
- Or: select all results on that page by using the Share button at the top: then click on Results (1-10)
- Use Page Options to increase the number of results which display on one screen page
- Now use the Folder View option on the right to go to the folder screen with the marked references
- In the Folder View screen, select the records and use Export and select 'Direct Export to EndNote Web' from the drop-down options
- This should take you through to EndNote Online
- Sign in to EndNote Online with your login details if required
- Go to [Unfiled] to locate the results and add these to a new or existing Group
Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles).
B: Export as RIS file ('indirect' export)
Alternatively, an RIS file can be downloaded from the database and then uploaded into EndNote Online. In the EBSCO Folder view:
- Select the items required (tick individual folder icons or use 'Share'), then go to Folder View
- In Folder View, choose 'Direct Export in RIS format' and save the file (eg to Desktop)
- In Endnote online, go to Collect - Import references
- Locate the RIS file, choose RefMan RIS as the Import Option, and upload the file
Watch the following Panopto video (includes sub-titles).
The following screenshots also illustrate the export process outlined above
A: Direct Export to EndNote Web (ie EndNote Online):
B: Export as RIS file for upload into EndNote Online (indirect export):
If items are in the [Unfiled] area in EndNote Online, select these and use Add to group for an existing or named group (folder).